I visited Vancouver, WA, last weekend and stayed with my sister Katy
at her new apartment in a really nice area of the city.
To provide me with a contrast, Katy showed me her old apartment
and neighborhood, which is not as nice.
Anyway, to the point of the photo.
Katy's old neighborhood contains a workout facility
called the "Lord's Gym", which has a HUGE picture of Christ
on the side doing a push up in a loin cloth,
with a crown of thorns, and a crucifix on his back.
I cannot believe the audacity of the owners to use that image!
I find it both uncomforably humorous and disturbing.
I mean, could this mural be any more blasphemous?!?!
That's kind of funny. I start laughing and then I feel guilty... Ha!
What were they thinking? I mean really? Is that supposed to attract a certain type of clientle? I would think that most Christians would find that offensive, but then again, I could be totally wrong. What offends one person, may be totally alright with the next. Personally, besides it being a tacky marketing plow, what's the sell for the gym? Big biceps AND salvation. I'm sold.
More shocking than the sign is that you went to Katy's house! WOW!
yikes!!! I think that is all I can really say...
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