Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ready to travel!

I love movies. Those who know me know that. One of my favorites is "While You Were Sleeping" with Sandra Bullock. In the movie, she acknowledges she loves maps and planning trips, and even has her passport, but has never travelled beyond the local area.

I can relate!

Before marrying Monico, I did not do much travelling other than between Washington and Utah for the annual take-a-sibling-to-BYU trek. Sure, I had been to Canada a couple of times -- once for a family vacation when I was 10, and once with my high school band -- and I had even visited Southern California & Disneyland... nevermind that occurred 6 months before my marriage, and was only the second trip I had taken on a plane, because if I couldn't get there by car, it just didn't happen.

Monico loves to travel. I hate the expense, and with one less income while he has been in school, we simply could NOT vacation. Prior to school, together we have vacationed in Orlando, New York, and Washington DC. But, despite living 3 hours from Vancouver, BC, we have never been together.

So, why the photo above? That is the cover to my newly issued, good-for-ten-years passport! After having a moderately steady double-income for a few months, we took some of our extra cash and both got our passports. (For those of you who scoff at my years of delay in spending $100 each on passports, just remember that is the same as half a month's groceries!)

We are both excited to use our passports this summer to visit Vancouver BC, and look forward to the near future, when Monico gets a contract for a full time position and we can purchase tickets to take cruises and visit family in Europe (currently in Naples, Italy, but soon to be in Southern Germany)!

Have passport -- able to travel -- will soon be willing to expend the money to do so!


Emalei Ambrosio said...

This is very exciting! I can recommend many places you should go (especially around Southern Germany)!

donna said...

I hope you enjoy using your passports!

Rachel said...

Having a passport is HUGE! I have never had one and still don't. Nicely done. :)