Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Husband bragging

Monico has been a very busy guy over the last 2+ months. As I noted in a previous post, this Winter Term he is taking 9 credits (keep in mind that 6 is full time) and has been working a long-term substitute position as a leave-replacement Social Studies teacher in an alternative school in Renton. During his "planning" period each day, he travels over to the Special Education classroom at the school to fullfill a portion of his requirement for 3 of those 9 credits by observing the students and teacher, particpating, working on their IEPs, etc.

Although the majority of his time for these 3 credits is spent out of Seattle University's classroom, his class does meet with his professor for class once in January, in February, and in March; likewise the professor meets with him at his school (specifically in his volunteer Special Ed classroom) to observe.
His professor also happens to be the head of the Special Education Dept at Seattle University.

I wanted to share Professor Johnson's musings on her blog yesterday about her recent visit to Monico's school on Monday, which includes her observation of him. (Click here.)

I know my man is amazing, but it is still fun to hear others acknowledge it too!


Abbie said...

That is so cool! The blog post made me cry when she talked about the children who are left behind and programs that get cut. So sad that we're trading real world experience for... something else.

Michelle Olson said...

Is anyone surprised? I mean really. It's Monico. BMP, hermano. You've worked hard to get to where you're at. Almost there!

Janae @ Bring-Joy said...

Oh this is inspiring! I'm so grateful that good, passionate, kind people still exist these days (perhaps I've been reading to much of the news lately?). Way to go Monico, I'm so glad he's found his "life's work"!

mom/Janet said...

I woulnd't be surprised to see Monico being the teacher she says she is. He's a calm but firm person. Congratulations.