Thursday, May 7, 2009

All done

Well, after 8 Seasons, I guess Scrubs is officially done. Last night's hour long finale saw Dr. John Dorian leaving Sacred Heart Hospital to take a job closer to his son, and (likewise) the actor Zach Braff leaving the show. (It may return again, if ABC choses to renew contracts, but it would not be the same... think "Joey" after "Friends".)

I'm a little sad to see it go, but am surprised it was able to make it as long as it did. It was the little-engine-that-could of television shows, always managing to hang on for another season. The show was ALWAYS being moved around in the weekly schedule to different days and times, and some seasons wouldn't even start until January, and would then running double episodes thru May, only to make us wait again until the next January to find out what happens next. Not to mention that last year NBC cancelled the show entirely, only to have ABC give it one more year on their network.

Bottom line: this was a really great show, which might only be appreciated by those who watched it enough to know and love the quirky characters and their memorable sayings like "Eagle," "Bambi," "Newbie," "Chocolate Bear," "T.C.W. [Tasty Coma Wife]," "Dr. Acula," "Dr. Jan Itor,"... and my favorite, "Who's got two thumbs and doesn't give a damn? This guy, Bob Kelso."

So, farwell Scrubs on TV... see you again on DVD.


rmgrimmer said...

My favorite was the musical when they sang "It's in your poo."

Melissa DeLeon said...

The musical episode was awesome! The poo song is good, but so is "Guy love" and "I'm not freakin' Puerto Rican, I'm Dominican"!