Sunday, September 13, 2009

Lexi, our puppy

Meet Lexi.

Lexi is our half-Keeshond, half-Samoyed 13-week-old puppy.

We got her from a family friend, who owns the mommy dog, upon our promise to take excellent care of Lexi. Well, we love her lots, give her tons of attention, take her on walks/runs, and teach her smart little brain new tricks, which I wanted to share.

I think we'll work on "beg" or "roll over" next, although "stay" is also an essential!

More photos to come in the future as Lexi learns and grows.


donna said...

what a good girl.:)

Michelle Olson said...

Those dogs are like toddlers! Cute, but a handful! I was with Jackson and Diesel (I think they are siblings?) this past week.

Unknown said...

Oh she's so cute!! Now if you could only train Monico that way
:0)My friend got a chocolate lab that i'm keeping at my house until he gets his place & he's so smart too. Dogs are so cute. Is that Oliver I see in the background? He's doesn't seem like a happy camper :-)

Janae @ Bring-Joy said...

So cute! We want a dog. So bad. But under the circumstances, not sure if now's the right time. Maybe when Hyrum's a bit older so HE can take care of the dog...?

rmgrimmer said...

I like her and I want her!